Covid-19 Policy
The following sets out my commitment to keeping my clients and myself safe at all times.

I will only meet with one client at a time, whether outdoors or indoors (when permitted). A one metre distance will be maintained at all times until further guidance by the government is provided.

There will be a minimum of 30 minutes between clients to allow for all surfaces and equipment that the client has come into contact with to be cleaned and disinfected.

All clients will be asked to sanitise their hands on arrival and I will do the same. Clients will be asked to bring their own towel and water. Clients are welcome to wear gloves and any other PPE that makes them feel comfortable.

Should the client become aware of the possibility that they could have come into contact with someone with the virus I kindly request that they do not attend face to face sessions for 14 days.
I will arrange alternative sessions remotely via zoom if suitable and if the client is fit and well to take part.

Equally, if I should become aware of coming into contact with anyone with the virus I will notify my clients immediately and either arrange to conduct the sessions remotely or reschedule to a date I can be confident is safe.
I will continue to review guidelines set out by the government and act accordingly.
Updated: July 2020